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October 13, 2017

Finding the Right Singles Vacation Fit for You

NYE 2014

Are you a big group or small group traveler?

Singles visit Singles Travel International and see all we offer and get excited about the possibilities. With so many options available, their number one concern may be “Where should I go first?” The question one might need to ask instead is “What do I want the group I travel with to be like?”  These factors might include age, sex, interests and profession, but also the size of the group may be something you want to consider when choosing the right trip for you.

While it’s true our group size varies and really cannot be determined until we are ready to depart, there are some constants about our groups you need to know.  The age range is very steady. Our average traveler range is 45-65, with a slightly younger crowd for our adventure trips, we can pretty much guarantee if you are a Baby Boomer, you will be traveling with people close to your age. The size of a group varies a bit more, with the largest at over 100 singles enjoying a cruise, and the smallest at 16 for an intimate tour or just a handful headed to meet up with international singles at the singles-only resort on the Isle of Crete.

Ask yourself what your social goal might be when taking a singles vacation. You may not even have one. It could be that you have a destination on your Bucket List and you prefer to do that with a group rather than solo. Or, you may want to make new single friends that you may travel with in the future again and again. Or you may want to fall in love and find “The One” and leave singles travel behind forever.

(Right here I would like to note that we are not a matchmaking company. We are here to show you the world and help you make new single traveler connections. We have no control over male/female ratios on trips and have found this factor does not make much difference in how much our singles enjoy their vacation. Yes, we are proud to boast that we have been responsible for many loving couples who have met on a Singles Travel International vacation and have indeed went on to skip, dance, sing or travel to the altar. If meeting Mr. or Mrs. Right is your number one reason to take a singles vacation, you may want to search within for other reasons… but that’s a whole other blog….)

Goal: Meet more People

Some singles play the numbers game. They are out to meet as many people as they can on their vacation. Do you feel more comfortable in a large group socializing with lots of different people? Cruises on big ships have unlimited size parameters. We will book singles into a cruise departure if there are cabins to sell on the ship. If you are looking for larger groups a cruise is your best bet. Don’t wait until the group gets big to book. You will pay more for your cabin than those who jump in early. We also know that the sooner we have more booked, the bigger the group gets. Watch for our “First Five” offers. We offer a special deal to the first five singles who book a trip.

Staying Small:  Quality Connections vs. How Many People Different People Will I Meet?chitown bikers

When you choose quality connections, a tour, river cruise or sailing adventure might be the best choice for you. Tours must be small to transport groups from one site to another. Count on your tour to have 40 or less. Luxury small groups like a safari have a maximum size of 16. In this environment you will be fast friends with all and really have the time to get to know one another and form a lasting bond. We’ve had roommates matched and two days into a trip people are asking them how long they’ve been friends and they confess, “We just met two days ago!”

Who’s  Going:  Our site makes it easy


Look for trips that meet your group needs. On any trip page, there is a link to “Who’s Going” ~ click and see who has booked and those who are considering the trip by saving it to their Favorites. If you are logged in as a member, you are welcome to send that member a message and get to know them better before you ever meet up with the group. The Chat is also available exclusively for those booked on the trip so messages can be sent to the whole group to make plans to share a taxi to the hotel or plan additional sightseeing once you arrive.

Whether you choose to mingle with the masses or engage in a life-changing experience with a small group, you will return from your singles vacation rejuvenated and ready to plan your next trip with your new single friends. We’ve seen it happen over and over again. It’s the reward we cherish most. It’s why we’re here.

Singles Travel International… Creating life-changing opportunities to meet the world together. Give us a call and we will personally help you choose the right singles vacation for you. 877-SOLO-TRIP

Check out all our trips HERE

Contributed by Robin Zell ~Director of Marketing for Singles Travel International

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